Monday, August 19, 2019

Time Well Spent

Last September I took a huge step forward for myself when I began this journey. I did not expect to grow and learn as much as I have. Three learnings form this journey that I carry forward with me as I continue to develop more into the early childhood professional I aspire to be are: 
  • Families are vital. We need to value and cultivate these relationships to the full extent. No matter the barriers encountered, take the time to learn from them to better support the young child in your care. The early years happen so quickly but supporting every parent you work with will lay a foundation for many other professionals to grow upon. 
  • Equity and equality are very different. I need to strive at all times to ensure all young children are support in a manner that allows for each child to be able to participate to his/her full extent. This may mean that a child needs more support than another. 
  • Early childhood professionals need others to support and collaborate with one another. This is done in many ways and allows for each other to view through another lens. Learning through someone will bring forth the perspectives of any bias and how to ensure every person is treated in a manner that is best for all. Growing with my colleagues throughout this program has allowed me to reflect upon my own bias and also to learn with others. 
These quotes are ones that inspire me not only professionally but also personally. Kindness and compassion are very important and play is the core of who I am and what I do. 
Photo Credit:
Photo Credit: bored

A long term goal for myself, is to develop myself as a mentor for other early childhood teachers. I will seek mentorship training as well as continue to grow in the classroom for further experience. This program has shown me the importane for teachers who are able to be fair and also passionate each day. 

Thank you colleagues of group 2. Each week we were able to persevere and grow our breadth of knowledge. This journey was different for each of us but completing it is just the beginning for many of us as we may seek a position that is worthy of our passion in the early childhood field. Do not forget how strong you are and your dedication to yourself and use this to influence and encourage others as you have done for me these past 8 weeks. 

Dr. Embree, I appreciate your time and dedication throughout this course. Your guidance and encouragement week after week led each of us to this final point. A year ago when I embarked on this journey, you were my first instructor and to bookend my accomplishment with your instruction I am thankful for inspiring early childhood professionals who are able to inspire and support others. 

I will leave each of you with one of my favorite insights from a young man who has inspired me to be better each day. 
Photo Credit: kid

Friday, August 9, 2019

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Delving deeper within the early childhood field is exciting. Widening my breadth of knowledge or other organizations internationally has allowed me to understand the full scope and impact this field has with so many other nations. Each of these organizations are utilized within the United States but also abroad which is fascinating how this field crossing oceans and boarders to ensure all young children are cared for and provided quality education.

Photo Credit:
International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE) is an organization that I was not aware of until searching for international organizations for this blog. This approach to early learning is more holistic and whole child centered and boasts "An atmosphere of loving warmth and guidance that promotes joy, wonder, and reverence supports such healthy development"  (What is waldorf early childhood education, n.d., para. 1). The international employment opportunities listed on this website are for kindergartner teachers in Italy, China and Switzerland. The requirements for being a teacher for these listings includes at least an undergraduate degree  Waldorf credentials  as well as experience with this type of education style, and last a passion and joy for teaching young childrenIASWECE operates in North America, Central and South America, Europe, Australia , Asia, and Africa. Searching through the website I found there is acutely a Waldorf Training Center here in Washington state and I would be eager to learn more about this approach. 

Photo Credit:

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) "works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence"(What we do, n.d., para 1). This organizations presence is so widespread and reaches so many young children and also combats varying challenges that are often unique to the region it is serving. As this is such a vast far reaching organization the employment opportunities were plentiful so I narrowed my search to focus solely on early childhood development. I choose to focus on a placement as a consultant to aide in setting up a preschool in Uzbekistan which requires a graduate degree or more as well as a decade of experience in the early childhood field with analyzing or developing policy and great communication skills. 

Photo Credit:
Reggio Children is an organization that operates internationally and is based on the premise of the Reggio Emilia Approach. This approach to learning is "based on the image of the child, and of human beings, as possessing strong potentials for development and as a subject of rights who learns and grows in the relationship with others" (Reggio Emilia Approach , n.d., para. 1).  As this organization is worldwide but based in Italy, I had to translate the employment opportunities. While neither of the two listed interested me, as they are both not within the early childhood field, I will highlight the position of Senior Administrative Clerk with the  requirements of an undergraduate degree, preferably in business or accounting, as well  as experience in the field and computer skills.  I did browse the American chapter of this organization and there were may jobs available from director to teachers within our home county. 

Reggio Emilia Approach. (n.d.). Retrieved from
What is Waldorf Early Childhood Education? (n.d.). Retrieved from
What we do. (n.d.). Retrieved from