Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Until We Meet Again

My current course is coming to a close. It has been so inspirational "meeting" and learning with some amazing people these past eight weeks. As we all had the opportunity to create a blog, I would like to share a couple of those with you as well as let each of these ladies know how deeply they have helped me grow throughout this course. 
Ashlee is an amazing woman who is super hard working. Maintaining a full -time job, raising a young child, as well as being a military spouse...all while working hard on her own graduate degree.  Her blog Early Childhood Through My Eyes has been just a joy to read weekly. 

Thank you very much for the great insights not only through your blog but also in the weekly discussions throughout the course. I admire how you balance all that you do while still blossoming into the early childhood professional you are quickly becoming. Best of luck and I look forward to hopefully learning with you again in the future.

Another inspiring person I have gotten to know during this course is Diana. She is another amazing woman who is balancing quite a load while earning her graduate degree. Her blog Education + Psychology is full of inspiration and great information for any early childhood professional. Also, she is an excellent photographer which she highlights briefly on her blog. 

The depth you have brought to assignments over the length of this course has helped me bring my thinking to another level. Thank you for bringing a new perspective to my learning as well as challenging me to be a better professional. I admire your handwork with your busy schedule. I hope to be in a course again with you soon. Best wishes on your journey.

These are not the only two ladies whom I have learned from but unfortunately it would be a very long post for personal thanks to all of my cohorts as well as a great instructor. So to all of them, thank you so much for the sharing of knowledge and I am excited to be on this journey with all of you. I hope we all encounter one another again soon as I feel we are only at the beginning of something amazing. 


  1. It was great to read your comments and what you find valuable, I agree that the connection with our classmates is helpful! BEst of luck for continuing on with the program!

  2. It's been great "getting to know you" through this course! Wishing you all the best as you progress through the remainder of the program!

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog and discussion post during the course. I wish the best as you continue your course of study.

  4. Thanks for your inspiring words, Sarah! I have to thank you for your support and comments! I'm so glad that I connected with you in this journey. Hope to keep in touch with you! Best of luck! Thank you again! :)

  5. Sarah it has been a pleasure reading your blog omg i love what you said to the individuals you wrote about. I wish you nothing but the best in your classes and your career.

  6. Thank you Sarah for saying thank you in so many different languages, very inspirational as always. Wishing you best of luck.

  7. Throughout this course you have been a true inspiration, I am happy that you were apart of this course, and I wish you luck in all your future endeavors as a early childhood professional.
