Friday, November 23, 2018

My Connections to Play

Growing up, much of my place took place outdoors and it was not unusual to see me tagging along behind my three older siblings. These two quotes perfectly describe my upbringing because we were outside to keep our mother sane an also she knew the play we would get within out neighborhood was something that would help us develop into great people one day. 

Since the bulk of my play took place outdoors, three essentials pieces of that play would be a swing set, a bicycle, and some barbies. I would spend so many hours out back on my families swing set with my siblings or friends where we would create fun games or have contests. A bicycle was a must in my neighborhood growing up. I learned to ride on a ten-speed because that is what my family had and could not afford a special small bike for me. My older brother or sisters would help me get going and then I would jump off when we got to our destination. There was never any fear or anxiety about it because that was just how we did things. The barbies we a huge role in my childhood. My best friend and I would play and play and come up with different stories for each doll. When our time was up for the day we would put them in specula places and then the next time we played together we would continue the same story and dialogue. I did not have too many, maybe about three and my mom made most of the clothes for the dolls too. 
From my mother, to my siblings, to my childhood friends; play was so important to my upbringing and I was so fortunate to have so many people in my life to support this. It never felt like I was doing much, but as I reflect on it now I can understand the importance of these free times to explore and learn on my own or with others. Being supported (very encouraged to not come home until the streetlights came on) by our mother really offered such a great opportunity. 

 For me, play for children today is not quite the same as it was when I was a child. We were always out and about our neighborhood or riding our bikes many blocks to a friend or relatives home, all of this completely without adult supervision. Yes, my older siblings were there (most of the time) but my oldest sibling is only five years older than me so there was not so much in the way of supervision. Today, most children do not get this opportunity to freely explore and discover. Most parents are always rather close by with cautionary words and I think this dampens the cause and effect exploration that many children need. Most of the play occurs indoors because of the amount of technology children are encountering in our current society which really is leading to a lack of skill development, particularly gross motor skills. Children today really need to "un-plug" and get outdoors to explore and play more. Fancy toys and gadgets are not needed as the imagination can create so much when this free play is offered. 

 As I grew older an my play transitioned to more indoor forms of play as well as exploring other interests, such as instrumental music, I feel those early years really gave me a strong foundation for problem solving. I am able to look at things and keep trying until I can figure something out. Now in my professional life, I am able to look back on games and songs I knew and played and a child and enjoy them with my students. It always beings a joy to my heart to see the smiles on their faces as they light about like I did many years ago. 

Photo credits:,,,

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