Saturday, December 8, 2018

My Supports

My support system is great. Emotionally I have support from my husband, son, sister, as well as amazing co-workers. My daily interactions with each one of these people keeps me striving day in and day out to be the best I can. Being married for almost fifteen years, we have been through many trials as well as celebrations so this support is a constant for me from my husband. My son encourages me to be a better person even though he does not say it. He has many struggles and assisting him through those, helps me each day. My sister is my voice of reason and I call her often for more advice than anyone else. Without these three in my life, I do not think I would make it daily. 

I also have many friends who support me from afar which leads into my practical support within my day to day living, my iPhone. This device keeps me connected on so many levels. I put lists in it, I call or text many of my supports, it also offers reprieve from daily stresses with social media or games. If I lose this device I would be rather lost because it holds so much information for me. 

My physical supports that assist me would be a great many step stools in my home. Since I am rather short and have a need to reach things, I need this support to complete many of my daily tasks. I seriously use one at work and one at home constantly. While I am sure I could live without this item, I truly do not want to because then I wold be struggling or waiting for someone to assist me. 
Planning and subsequently hosting a huge thanksgiving meal requires a great deal of support from those listed above. This is a challenge because it requires me to go out of my way and element from what I daily do. The emotional supports I listed above help me by keeps me organized as well as listening to my ideas. They each are providing me with ideas and recipes to ensure my success. My practical support of my iPhone is so important with this challenge. I need this for recipes, grocery lists, calculating out servings, as well as ordering more items. Last, my physical support of that step stool is one the to need to reach those items we only use at this particular time of the year. Without it I would again be depending on others when I prefer to be self sufficient. Each one of these supports makes up a great network for my success of hosting this rather larger gathering. If any one of these supports were missing from this event then I would not be able to handle the situation as well as I typically would with each there. I need each one of these supports to make things go smoothly and successfully. 


  1. I think family is always going to be your main support factor, I think its great that your son encourages you through your everyday life, I know that makes a huge difference to you. When you have a daily support system such as your husband, son, and sister life becomes a little more easier for you considering that you have the motivation and encouragement.

  2. I love that you included the step stool! We have one in the kitchen at my house and I use it daily! My life would be so much more difficult without it!!
