Sunday, March 10, 2019

Effective Communicator

My high school orchestra teacher, Mr. Larson, was an effective communicator. He could inspire many to add the next level of emotion when playing music. There was always a care and presence within his voice that would bring about an understanding that may have been lacking before. While this was not always the case with him. When I first encountered him as a summer camp, he was quite hot tempered and would often yell to invoke this emotion but as he later explained how he learned this was not healthy for him and did not convey the information properly, he had since learned how to speak with out the harsh tone.

Photo Credit: Paula Macpherson-Cochran

Thinking of the above paragraph and learning from his missteps, I definitely would model my communication after him. The reason for this, is I have learned that it does not take super emotion or loud works to express oneself or even get other to listen. It simply takes compassion and that is what I always hope to convey with my own students to this day.


  1. Sarah.

    It take a lot for someone to understand the harashness of their language and try to change for the good of the people they are surrounded by. I was like your music teacher, hit temper and loud. As I matured, I realized that yelling will not get the job done. It is how you say something, that can move a person.

    1. Alecia,
      This was something my husband and I have had to learn over the years when it comes to parenting our son who has varying abilities. The more my husband would raise his voice, the more our son would react negatively which would cause the issue or behavior to prolong. Now, we have lowered the emotion and speak neutrally to him so he are sure he is listening.
