Saturday, March 16, 2019

My Family Culture

Having to value the items in my life is not incredibly difficult. There are items that I use daily that if I were not to have, I would feel rather lost without. If I were to only have the option to choose three items to carry forward with me to a new nation after surviving a devastating catastrophe with my family, those items would be:

  1. My iPhone as this hold the majority of the pictures of my family as well as my main means of communication with others who are dear to me. Also, all of my music is dowloaded to this device and music is how I work through major transition as well as tough situations. 
  2. My nook book hold so many books on one device. As it would be too difficult to choose only one book to carry forward, I know my nook book will have quite a few downloaded for me.
  3. My headphones as I often need to be in my own space with myself and headphones offer peace for me. I wear them while shopping, running, cleaning the house, and many other occasions. 
Connecting my passion for these items is simple and I would hope that by showing how each of these work, many others can understand my connection to them. Each of these open up a world in which I can be with others or by myself and that is how I would explain to others who may not have seen these items before. 

If I were to enter a new nation and I were only able to keep one of these items, it would be a rather easy choice for me due to the amount of content on my phone. This device truly keeps me connected and grounded and can, if needed, be used to read books and it has a speaker so I would not be completely without music to help me cope during rough times. 

While I know many people do not necessarily use a phone for a primary means of music or photography, it is one that does it all for me. Understanding how this phone keeps me connecting to others is what really helps me understand the role it plays in my life. Just yesterday evening my ailing golden retriever was put to sleep so later that night, I was able to review his memories on my phone and reflect on the wonderful life he had and how truly lucky I was to have him. I am sure others will have chosen other items such as bakeware, computer, coffee pot, and that shows how each of us are able to value many different items dependent upon our culture and background. 


  1. Sarah,

    My phone plays an important role in my life too. I would feel lost without it; however, there was a time I didn't have my phone for four days and it felt so amazing not to be dependent on it. I don't think I could do that again though. It is crazy the uses we get out of our phones and how much they can help us communicate with other or come to our "rescue" in times of need.

    1. Yes, I have so much on there that when I am without it I often feel disconnected with others. I am able to reflect on my family and experiences through the photos on there and also share them with others.

  2. Sarah,

    I am sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose a part of the family, and yes, I do consider our pets as part of a family. The memories that you have saved on your phone will hopefully provide the comfort you need at this time.

    Like you, I chose a piece of technology as one of the items I would take with me. Our culture has become dependent on technology to stay connected, to access financials, to purchase material items, et al. Overall, if I had to leave it all, I believe we would be able to survive and continue our family customs and culture. Material items are replaceable, family is not.

    Wishing you well,

    1. Donna,
      I agree with you, while at the present moment I do not think I could be without technology or my phone, I would be able to. I have a wonderful family that cannot be replaced and they are truly the best support that I could have during a difficult time.
